Native Habitat Restoration – Arthur Hwy
Arthur Highway
Client: Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources
Upgrade of sections of the Arthur Highway resulted in the removal of critical habitat trees used by the Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolour). Environmental assessment and advice was sought by the Department in order to minimise potential impacts.
Key Issues included the loss of critical habitat trees and community perceptions of habitat values. Highway safety both during works and following habitat restoration was also imperative.
Project components included the assessment of critical tree locations, assessment of impacts and preparation of suitable mitigation measures.

Revegetation Program
Documents were prepared for referral of the project under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999. Approval under the Act required negotiation of habitat compensation. This was achieved though a habitat restoration program which involved collaboration with the State Threatened Species Branch and private landowners. Tree corridors were established and land was secured for conservation under covenant. Landowner management agreements including maintenance specifications were documented.
The project resulted in the establishment of habitat corridors in cleared paddocks and roadsides to provide links between existing areas of habitat vegetation.