Water Quality Monitoring
Clients: Kingborough Council, Huon Valley Council, Hobart International Airport
Monitoring of wastewater treatment plant effluent and stormwater is conducted on a regular basis to meet compliance requirements.
Key Issues include assessing the quality of sewage effluent and receiving waters and ensuring compliance with licence discharge limits from treatment plants.
Project components include the initial establishment of monitoring programmes that address licence requirements. This requires an assessment of the site and surrounding environment to determine the location of monitoring points, parameters, monitoring frequency and methodology.

Sampling at a constructed wetland site
Site work involves the collection of samples, site measurements and field assays. All samples are delivered to NATA accredited laboratories for analysis. Data is analysed and any extraneous/anomalous results are followed-up.
Results are promptly reported, along with recommendations on processes for improvement of water quality.
On-going monitoring programs aim to characterise and assess the condition of receiving waters, including rivers, estuaries and bays.